Monday, December 14, 2009
Good News!
As I mentioned back in September, her spleen is enlarged, and this scan showed it is enlarged further. In addition, she has fluid near/around her spleen. The doctors don't seem to be too concerned, explaining that this organ sits right near the diseased liver - many reasons why this could be. He would like to watch it closer; she will have a repeat scan in mid-February (after 4 more treatments - about 8 weeks from now). Mom is having a little discomfort from it; she tends to notice the after she has eaten (enlarged spleen is near her stomach causing less room & feeling of bloating). She is going to have a follow-up with her surgeon next week to have an ultrasound & see how much fluid is actually there. The doctor will make a recommendation from there on next steps.
After all of this, Mom is back to her treatment today...same treatment plan. As I have explained in past posts, she is doing well, all-in-all, with the side effects even through the treatment is emotionally & physically draining. But, just like typically Sharon, she powers through it and doesn't let anything stop her from preparing for the holiday season ahead. We will remember & celebrate this holiday with gratefulness for the support of family & friends!
God Bless and Merry Christmas.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Life Changing from Tom German
I think many people go though life, so busy with day to day to-do's that one day you look up from what you are doing and realize so much time has past by. People that meant so much to you just years before are not part of their life anymore and the people that are still part of your life have changed without you noticing. Your babies that were so dependant on you for everything are now becoming beautiful independent children. Friends, though still important to you, have been put on the side burner because “life” has kept you too busy to sit down and contact them. And pretty soon living the “American Dream” has consumed your life. Life becomes a series of steps that “have” to be accomplished or you have not been successful.
Then one day all that can change, and for us that day was in February of this year. Tania’s mom went to the doctor with abdomen pain and left the doctor’s office with stage 4 colon cancer that had moved to the liver and several lymphoid. All the sudden you can have all the money in the world, the biggest house and nicest cars and it really doesn’t make a difference all you really want in life is LIFE. Your whole life’s perspective changes in one phone call. Luckily, Sharon is doing very well. She has been very positive, the doctors have done everything that they can do and God has given her good results with her treatment plan. Our friends and family have been very supportive and helpful and to that we are very thankful. Sometimes it is hard to find positive things in situations but I really think there are many good things that are still happening in this family. One is the fact that even before this happened; Tania’s whole family has been very closely connected. It always has amazed me by how the whole family makes every effort to make it to a family event whether it was a birthday of a cousin or a baptism of a great-grandson. In that respect they have not had to reconnect, they were always connected. The reality is that things like this happen to so many people and some do not have the support of such a closely knit group of family and friends. It is also a blessing that Sharon appears to be in such good health. I still think she has more energy and vigor for life than most completely healthy adults, which is a testament to the type of person she is.
This time of the year has always been a retrospective time of year for me and this year is no different. In years past, I have always thought the year as a whole has been good, even when difficult things have happened. Surprisingly, to me anyway, this year is no different. Yes, we have been though a lot of ups and downs and some of the lows were, at times, very low it has been inspiring to me how Tania and her family have responded to Sharon’s illness. She is battling a life threatening disease which is both physically and emotionally exhausting, but she still takes every opportunity to do all she can for everyone around her. The whole family and I would like to extend our deepest thanks to everyone that has prayed and supported us this past year. I personally want to thank Sharon for being Sharon, you inspire me to be every thing I should be. Happy holidays to all and remember what the season is really all about.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Sharon!
Thought her friends & family would appreciate the reminder of her 52nd birthday.
Quick update, really nothing new to report, Mom continues w/ chemo treatment every other week. The main issue she continues to deal with is the numbness in her feet & hands. She still has her 'bad week' and 'good week' which she seems to be working through without a lot of trouble. It has almost been 9 months (around 12.9) since she started her treatment so that means another scan to make sure the treatment continues to work.
Prayers & encouragement are especially needed during this time!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Quick Update
With the Holidays coming up quickly, she is making plans to switch around her weeks or take a week off so she feels good - she has that flexibility right now so that is nice!
Sharon & Tim have a few things planned coming up in the next few months - they will be visiting us in Cary (IL) in mid-November, spending Thanksgiving in Columbus (mom's hosting I think), Christmas w/ all the kids at their house, plus the Gehring Christmas too! She is staying busy which is great!
As always, keep the comments & posts coming - if you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Or, you can email me @
Thanks for all of your support - Mom really appreciates it!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Great Results, So Much to be Thankful For!
This report was a little bittersweet -- great results, but still such a long road ahead. Mom (& all of us) want it to be gone & how do we get to that point quicker, those answers aren't easy. We asked the doctor a lot of questions about how long? when? will it ever be gone? And the answers can only be answered with the average results from studies & how most patients respond to the treatment (we know he can't predict the future, it seems it would be much better if he could) And, as of right now none of those answers are good -- it will never be gone, Mom will always be doing some kind of that part is hard. I'm sure a very emotional day for her. I'm even struggling as I write you this --
But know -- it's a joyful day today as the chemo is doing what it needs to -- reversing tumor growth! We are thank you & happy for such great results this far, it's a good indication that the cancer will continue to respond to the treatment.
From here, she will continue the same treatment (minus the oxaliplatin - the drug that causes in the numbness in her fingers/feet) every other week for another 3 months. The doctor said she can have a break at anytime - for the holidays, vacation, etc & they will watch it close so she has that option if she gets to the point where it's doing more harm than good (side effects & all that comes with the treatment).
Monday, September 14, 2009
Quick Update on Scan results
Monday, August 31, 2009
6 Months of Treatment COMPLETED!
She will hopefully get a 2 week break as she has a friend wedding next weekend so she wants to feel good. She needs & deserves a break to feel normal again even if just for a few weeks, it really does make a difference.
From here, based on the scan results, she will continue the same therapy treatment (5-FU/LV) minus the oxaliplatin (the drug that makes her hands & feet numb).
Please keep the prayers, support, phone calls, emails, & posts to this site coming. Although there is not a lot to report each week, Mom is still muscling through every other week fighting & dealing with the side effects. The more the encouragement the better!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
2 More Treatments ... until next scan
Only 2 more treatments and then the CT scan will hopefully show the results that it was all worth it. The doctors are assuming this treatment will have near the same results as her last scan. The treatment is killing the cancer cells & shrinking the tumors so that is what we all hoped and prayed for -- now it's just managing the side effects.
The kids & I have spent most of the summer in Nebraska hanging out w/ Mom and Tim & other friends & family. The kids have really enjoyed being at grandma's & pa's house and so have I. I can't believe we are going back home in less than a week. We are going to do a few things before we go - we are going to head to Omaha next week to take the kids to the Omaha Zoo so we are looking forward to that.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Relay for Life
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
A few more details...
As mentioned in my last post, we were waiting for a more detailed discussion with Mom's oncologist at her regular Monday appointment. He discussed the results in more detail and discussed the next steps to her treatment plan. She will continue for another 6 cycles (12 weeks) on the current chemotherapy mix with some adjustments to the dosage. And also discussed a few of the future treatment plans again based on her effects of the current drugs, etc. He confirmed that number of tumors has reduced and some of the larger tumors have shrunk. He read us the size reduction of the largest tumor on her liver shrunk from approx. 3.5cm x 4cm to 1.5cm x 2cm so it shrunk more than 50%. I think he actually used the words 'fabulous report' which is great.
The side effects are maintaining which is also better than expected as a few of the side effects could be cumulative and gradually get worse. Mom indicated a few side effects to the doctor that neither Tim or I had heard about before so we know she is being 'tough' and masking some of what is going on, but she still indicates that everything is fine & she really can't complain as she knows it could be much worse. The most sensitive side effect you could tell in the doctors voice is her blood platelet levels & her white blood cell count, but they are adjusting the drug dosage to manage through that as mentioned above. Plus, she gets shots to help boost white blood cell production, etc.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
From Tyler Sueper...I Believe
"I Believe" Essay Assignment for English Composition Class
The Power of Friends and Family. By, Tyler Sueper
A couple of months ago my mom was diagnosed with cancer. With this disease comes a change in people’s lives. Some changes for the better and some for the worse. With friends and family to comfort my mom in her time of need, even if it was a smile that’s on her face when people come to see her, this gives me hope that my mom will win this fight against cancer. I believe the support of friends and family is the cure for cancer.
Cancer can adjusts a person’s life, even if just the thought of having this disease over their head the whole time. It also can change a person’s lifestyle and their routine. With my mom, her routine changes every week having to go to chemotherapy every other week. The chemo has different side effects on my mom’s body that makes her tired after her treatment and she is also extremely sensitive to cold food, drinks, and weather.
With the hard times come easier and better times. Since the time are family found out the bad news, friends and other family members are the ones that makes it easier, which lightens up the mood of our family. Having friends that care about you and you can always count on helps a great deal to those that are sick. Spending more time with family makes them come together and spend the time they do have with one another.
Without friends and family in anyone’s life would get lonely and boring pretty quickly. For are family, we are fortunate to have a family like we have and friends that are supportive during this time in our family’s life. Getting cards when we first learned of this disease and that continues still months after just shows how my family’s friends and family care by keeping her in their minds.
I believe that the best treatment for cancer is not the chemo, but by being around friends and family. With these changes that are going though our family it’s nice to have the friends that we do. The time that you spend with our family doesn’t go unnoticed, with that I along with my family want say thank you.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Chemo-therapy is WORKING!
Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement to Mom. She goes on Monday to continue the treatments she has been getting and will likely continue for another 6-8 more cycles (so 12 more weeks). She will know more on Monday after her appointment.
Please pray for God's healing and for the side effects of the chemo to not progress to anything new. Mom's body really has 'taken' to the treatments well, and we want this treatment to continue the way it has for as long as possible.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Checking Progress in 2 weeks
Mom is still doing great. Keeping her spirits up and been such a good sport in getting through those side effects. Sometimes we wish she would take it easy to keep her strength for the fun stuff, but she has been "caught" pulling weeds in the garden the day after chemo, painting Tyler's bedroom, and who knows what else. You all know Sharon, she can't just do-nothing.
I will be sure to post an update as soon as we get the results of the scan. Check back at the end of next week.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Almost 3 months of treatment complete
She is still going to treatment every other Monday and almost to 3 months complete (started treatment on Mar. 9th). After her next treatment, she will likely be getting her "scan" to see how the treatment is working. They did check her "tumor markers" from her blood work about 3 weeks ago, the results were inconclusive. Although one of the checks improved slightly; another marker stayed the same or was slightly lower. I know Mom is ready to see how this treatment is going and we are all praying for the best results.
I'm sure many of you were thinking of Sharon on Mother's Day. We were sure to make last weekend special for Mom and organized for her to get 4 gifts for 4 days - one from each of us kids. She had a good weekend spent w/ family - Travis & Tara both made it back & Tyler was there to spend a great Mom's day w/ her.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Times goes by fast
Monday, March 30, 2009
Mom had her 2nd chemo-treatment last week. Her treatment went fine, and the side effects seem similar as the last treatment although she seemed to get right through the week and even worked a few full days at the end of the week. She had a slight alteration of her drugs because of a minor infection in her incision. They are being cautious as they didn't want it to get any worse. The chemotherapy drugs do significantly drop her white blood count that drops her immune system to help heal the incision. She then received a shot after the chemo was complete to boost her body to help produce more white blood cells as well as taking an antibiotic.
We had a great visit home, and had fun distracting Mom. It just so hard to leave & just need to plan a trip home so we can count-down to that day.
Thanks again for all of your support...keep the notes, cards, and prayers coming!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Good Week!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Weekly Update - Chemotherapy Side Effects
Monday, March 9, 2009
Mom's First Chemotherapy Treatment
Travis said that the nurses were really great & that all went well. The doctor reviewed the side effects with her today...said she will likely be extremely tired for the next few days and will likely be sensitive to cold so should stay away from cold weather, foods, drinks.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
For My Mom...

We are going to try out this blog to keep friends & family updated on Mom's progress. I added to posts from emails I had sent below. Travis, Tara, Tyler, Tim and even Mom will hopefully all be posting messages. The most important part of this blog is to comment & share your hope, encouragement, and love to Mom & Tim.
Update from an email sent Week of March 3rd
Tom, the kids & I meet them in Rochester which was really great. Alexis & Justice really can bring some cheer to the room :)
There were some positive things that we got out of the trip, the oncologist gave a similar chemotherapy treatment plan recommendation so it instilled confidence in the doctors that ultimately mom will be working with every week. Surgery is not an option because of there are too many tumors/liasions on her liver.
Some people have been asking about a liver transplant, this is also not an option, the drugs she would have to receive to accept the new liver would cause fast/aggressive growth of the cancer cells that would ultimately still be in her body.
She has either later stage III or stage IV colon cancer. The goal of her chemotherapy treatment is to maintain and/or shrink the tumors that are in her liver & kill any cancer cells that maybe in her colon. The Mayo Clinic's recommendation only made slight changes mostly w/ the timing.
We received more clarity around the side effects and just as we have been hearing...the chemotherapy for Colon Cancer is relatively tolerable (using their words). The goal is to maintain a good quality of life for Mom so at least 10 out of the 14 days she should feel pretty good, but it all depends on her reaction. She will be getting treatment every other Monday in Columbus...going home w/ a "fanny pack" for 46 hours & then she will be done until the next Monday.
Mayo is also going to check her progress and will suggest different treatment plans if they think it will help at Mom & Tim's request.
Update from an email wrote on 2/18/09...
Mom is at home (she was released from the hospital on Sunday, 2/15) and is on her way to recovery from surgery. She is doing okay, still is some pain, but really glad to be home.
We received the results of her biopsy from both the tumor in her colon & a sample from her liver. It is confirmed, she has colon cancer that has spread to her liver & through her lymphnoids. The tumor was removed from her colon as well as 15 lymphnoids (10 of which were filled & broke through w/ cancer) which is likely from there spread to her liver.
We met w/ an oncologist yesterday (2/17) & spent about a 1/2 day at the offices meeting w/ the different staff - RN, Business manager (insurance stuff), etc. The oncologist explained his recommendation for her chemotherapy treatment which will likely start on March 9th (if she has recovered from surgery 100% as once she starts the treatment, her recovery would stop).
We are going to be seeking a 2nd opinion to hear another point of view...The oncologist recommended a few doctors out of Omaha as well as the Mayo Clinic (noting that UNMC does not specialize in colon cancer & if she had a different type of cancer like breast, lymphnomia, luekemia, etc - UNMC would be the place to go). We sent a request for an appointment to the Mayo Clinic today & should hear back in the next day or so.