Monday, August 31, 2009

6 Months of Treatment COMPLETED!

What a huge accomplishment! Mom has officially completed 12 chemotherapy cycles, although it is a huge accomplishment for her she has been through so much the past 6+ months, and there is more to come. She will have her 2nd scan since she has started treatment this Friday (in a few days). We are excited to get the results and pray that the tumors are shrinking - I'll be sure to update on Friday night w/ the results we get from her general doctor.

She will hopefully get a 2 week break as she has a friend wedding next weekend so she wants to feel good. She needs & deserves a break to feel normal again even if just for a few weeks, it really does make a difference.

From here, based on the scan results, she will continue the same therapy treatment (5-FU/LV) minus the oxaliplatin (the drug that makes her hands & feet numb).

Please keep the prayers, support, phone calls, emails, & posts to this site coming. Although there is not a lot to report each week, Mom is still muscling through every other week fighting & dealing with the side effects. The more the encouragement the better!!