Monday, December 13, 2010

Update from surgery & December scan

Sorry for the delay in providing an update.  It was a long week and I just didn't know how/what to say. 

In mid-October, Mom had surgery for radio-frequency ablation. They removed most of the growing tumor on her liver, but were not able to remove it all due to the location being so close to her colon (they didn't want to damage her colon).  Early last week, she was back in for another scan to see the status of the tumors on her liver.

In the past months, we have been hoping & praying that the one tumor that had begun to grow was just an odd case and not an indication of the cancer starting to out smart the treatment plan. Unfortunately that was not the case and more of the tumors have grown.  A few spots on top portion of her liver and the rest of the tumor they attempted to remove also grew.  They also are seeing an indication of the cancer in 6 of the liver's lymphoids. On Monday (12/6), Mom's treatment plan was changed.  The chemotherapy treatment will add another drug into the current 5-FU that she has been getting for the past 21 months.  This new treatment brings a more aggressive course of action which also comes with more side effects.

Mom had a tough week overall, physically & emotionally.  Please keep her & Tim in your prayers as she adjusts to the new treatment.  We pray this slight change in her treatment gets the tumors back under control and the side effects of this new drug are minimal.