First of all, a huge thank you to all of Mom's friends that have organized these upcoming events to help Mom and Tim. The funds raised will help defray some of the medical costs from the past and what is yet to come. Here are a few opportunities to eat out a few nights at Arby's & Dairy Queen!
Super Sueper Benefit at the Platte Center Auditorium is planned for MARCH 26th!
A free will donation dinner will be served from 4 pm – 8 pm along with various auctions during the evening with the Grand Auction beginning at 7:30 pm. A bake sale will also be offered during the benefit. Items included in the various auctions are: NE Volleyball and Football tickets, Creighton Baseball Tickets, Golf Weekends, Golf Balls, Shotgun, Pork with Processing, Quilts, Area Rugs, Nebraska Rug, Garage Door Opener, Vinyl Bench, Autographed NE Footballs, Diamond Gloss Paint Protection Package, Airplane Ride, Antique Toy Tractors, Husker Jackets, Caps and Gloves, Wheel Alignment, Gas Cards, Luggage, Tools, Wine Basket, Faberge' Jeweled Goose Egg, Lighted John Deere Picture, Lighted Anheuser Busch Collection Series Sign, Paintings, Garmin, Car Washes, along with many other items and gift certificates. Music provided by “Maverick” following the grand auction.