The side effects of this treatment is a little more grueling however. In December and January she was really bloated and was retaining water (probably from the steroid they give her to help with some of off other side effects), but that seems to have subsided at least for now. For that month +, he left her feeling really uncomfortable and then she didn't have an appetite and then when she did eat, it made her feel awful. It's better now so it helps her. Also, her hair has really started to thin which was a little bit of bummer. She got a wig and it looks awesome! Even though, we all know this is just appearance and at least doesn't cause pain/discomfort, but can really just make the out-word appearance remind you even more of this disease. And, we all know Mom and her hair :)
The good news has kept Mom's spirits up and overall, she's pushing right through as it seems to us looking in from the outside. Most of the time, we don't even know how bad she's really feeling as she hardly mentions anything. I'm sure if you ask Tim, he may have a better insight, but if you ask Sharon. She'll say, she's "fine".
There's plenty to keep Mom (and Tim) busy these next few months. Tara's wedding is fast approaching. Mom and Tim are helping out during the week after work watching Micah (which they LOVE!) It's great to hear Mom talk about taking care of Micah. She just says, "he's such a good baby, who wouldn't want to watch this little guy!"
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